Spis treści

TP-Link WR841 it's most popular router, because has low price and satisfying quality. This manual describes his configuration, including PPPOE settings.


At first we must connect our PC to LAN PORT in your router (yellow ports). After that type in browser router's default address and log in with default credentials: admin, password admin.

Important. If your router was configured by our employee, you sholud have a brochure with all router's settings . You can find in this brochure router's address, login and password. If you router has custom settings, you can find informations about his settings in this article.

PPPOE configuration

In menu click on Sieć (Network) and then WAN. Choose PPPOE as connection type, then type your PPPOE login (username), and password. Make sure if Connect automatically option is checked.

Thats all. Now you can connect main Internet cable in to WAN port (blue port).

Never plug in internet cable to LAN (yellow) ports. It may cause serious issues.

Turn off bridge on the last router port

In this model last LAN (fourth yellow port) port by default works as a bridge. In the most cases you should turn it off, because you can lost your internet connection, or accidentally share some data.

To turn it off click on SIEĆ (Network) then IPTV. Set all options like in image below.

WiFi configuration

Click on Siec bezprzewodowa (Wireless network) next on na Ustawienia (Settings)and fill:

Wifi password configuration

Click on Sieć bezprzewodowa (Wireless network) next Zabezpieczenia WiFi (Wifi protection). Check protocol WPA/WPA2 Personal and set your password.

Never set the same password like your network name, router password or other weak password like your name. Best method is to generate your password. If you don't want remember hard password use random words with digits for example 4LittleKitten

Router password

Necessarily change default router's password. Click on Narzędzia systemowe (system tools), and next Hasło (Password)

Never set the same password like your network name, Wifi password, or other weak password like your name. Best method is to generate your password. If you don't want remember hard password use random words with digits for example 4LittleKitten

LAN settings

It's good idea to change default network settings. This address it's your router's new LAN address. You can choose any address from 192.168.X.Y class, where X and Y it's any digits from 1 till 254. For example

That's all - your router it ready to work =)